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Mini-Unbearable Hoodie

Techniques used in the pattern

Backwards loop cast-on

Step 1: Wrap yarn around your left thumb.
Step 2: Insert the needle in front of the thumb and up under yarn.
Step 3: Release the yarn from your thumb and pull the tail to form the stitch.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you have made the required number of stitches.


Duplicate stitch

Step 1: Cut a length of yarn and thread it onto a tapestry needle.
Step 2: Bring your needle from the back of the work to the front through the middle of a stitch, or between the “V”, leaving a tail in the back so you can weave it in at the end.
Step 3: Cross the needle under the stitch over the one you are duplicating.
Step 4: To finish that stitch, insert the needle back into the middle of the “V” (the same place where you began).
Step 5: Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you have made the required number of duplicate stitches.


I-cord drawstring

Step 1: Cast on 3 stitches onto a double-pointed needle or a circular needle. Knit these 3 stitches normally, from the left needle to the right needle.
Step 2: Without turning, slide the 3 stitches from one end of the needle to the other. Put that needle in your left hand.
Step 3: Pulling the yarn snug, knit the 3 stitches from the left needle to the right needle.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 3 until your i-cord is of the desired length.
Step 5: Bind off the 3 stitches normally.


Kitchener stitch

You will notice that I skip the setup for the kitchener, in order to avoid the little ears at each end of the toe.
Step 1: Insert the tapestry needle through the first stitch on the front needle as if to knit, pull the yarn through, removing the stitch from the needle.
Step 2: Insert the tapestry needle through the first stitch on the front needle as if to purl, pull the yarn through, leaving the stitch on the needle.
Step 3: Insert the tapestry needle through the first stitch on the back needle as if to purl, pull the yarn through, removing the stitch on the needle.
Step 4: Insert the tapestry needle through the first stitch on the back needle as if to knit, pull the yarnthrough, leaving the stitch on the needle.


Mattress stitch

Step 1: Align the two edges you wish to seam. Bring your tapestry needle from the back of your work to the front at the location where you want your seam to begin.
Step 2: Locate the running thread between the first and second stitches on the first row of the opposite edge.
Step 3: Return to the first edge, and pick up the bar above your entry point.
Step 4: On the second edge, pick up the bar above the last bar you picked up.
Step 5: Repeat steps 1 to 4 until both edges are fully seamed.


Provisional cast-on

There are numerous techniques to do a provisional cast-on. Please find below links to videos explaining two methods that I tested and recommend. The provisional cast-on with a crochet chain is easier to achieve but takes longer to make. The method with waste yarn is faster, but more difficult.

Provisional cast-on with a crochet chain

Provisional cast-on with waste yarn


Whip stitch

Step 1: Cut a length of yarn and thread it onto a tapestry needle.
Step 2: Align your pieces, right sides together.
Step 3: Going through both pieces of fabric (front and back), bring your needle from once side to other, and pull through, leaving a tail.
Step 4: Repeat the same motion until you are finished your seam.